Monday, December 17, 2007

#6 Flickr Toys! Librarian Trading Card

Playing around on Flickr was tons of fun. When I saw the Librarian Trading Card application, I knew that I had to try it out. I think it is a great idea! I am always reminding people that Batgirl was a librarian.

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I think that all of the Queens Librarians should consider having one. My branch is one that is heavily populated by "tweens" (12-14 year olds), partly because we are next door to a middle school. Even though I am adult services librarian, I often work with these tweens. Although I make an effort to get to know all of their names (particularly those who come in every day), and also many of them know my name already, this could be a fun way to let people know who I am, especially since I am a new librarian.

Or maybe I am just a dork. And super excited by the prospect of having a trading card.

1 comment:

differentfrogs said...

omg Sara! That is the greatest librarian trading card ever! I definitey think you should start handing them out to the kids at work. Then they could make fun of someone when they used up their myspace time for the day.