Friday, December 21, 2007

#19 Web 2.0 Awards

Okay. For fun I have to mention One Sentence. This won in the category of Fun Stuff. At my library, we have a little fascination with the PostSecret books and the secrets that people share. One Sentence is the same, it allows users to write one true sentence about themself and post it on the site. There are some that are harrowing and dark, some that are funnier and light, like this sentence from Krista that read: "The bane of my becoming a vegetarian was bacon."

Now, for something that might actually be useful to the library. Medstory is a site that allows you to search for medical/health information and gives you the option of refining your search for drugs and medications, conditions, people, procedures and personal health. The site is an easy way to search for medical information, but it does require you to register, which might be a little time consuming. It is an offshoot of WebMD and currently in Beta, so hopefully some of the bugs will be worked out in the final version.

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