I am the generation that was raised during the computer revolution, if I could call it such. I remember typewriters and card catalogs, MS DOS, etc, but I also had a home computer and an email address at 12 years old. I didn't get google until college, and I do have a facebook page, and one of my grad school professors put their class on a podcast, so I was able to get my lectures via my Ipod (that is resting in peace in the land of broken Ipods.) Although I have been exposed to and learned a lot of most new technology, I must admit that I am still blown away by the fancy myspace pages of my teen library goers. They can, in just five minutes make pages (using html codes, something completely foreign to me) with glitter graphics, animation, etc. etc.
I try to stay as in touch as possible with emerging technologies, which is one of the major reasons that I decided to become involved in the library learning 2.0.
Playing around with Flickr was something I had never done before, and every new skill that I learn is just something that I can share with other people. I take every day as a learning experience, and I really need to get out there more and catch up, because it is so easy to get lost when it comes to technology.
We are now living in the age of blogs, wikipedia and myspace, and tomorrow it will be something new, so just making an effort to know what is out there makes sure that I won't get lost.

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